Tomorrow is Halloween 2019. What do you think about people wearing Halloween costumes in the office? Basically the question of the day is Halloween costumes to the office or not?

I, for one, am not a huge Halloween fan. I don’t really like dressing up, try to avoid eating unnecessary sugar, and generally think of it as a kid’s holiday. However, I fully get that many adults absolutely love the holiday, love dressing up, love eating candy, and think of it as an adult holiday more than a kid’s holiday. To each his own….

However, the question of wearing costume to work, to a professional office, is a loaded one. On the one hand I love when there is some holiday spirit and we have seen some great costumes over the years in our office. I think people wearing something different, something fun, something that shows one’s personality is sort of fun. On the other hand we run a professional office where we often have clients coming in after the death of a loved one. Do they want to see people goofing off? I imagine some people like an excuse to smile at such a tough time. Gosh, this is a tough question isn’t it!?

Tomorrow my office is bringing in little kids to trick-or-treat for candy. That’s sort of a fun idea. I wasn’t smart enough to think of it but I like it.

Well, I don’t have an answer for you but let’s go eat some candy!

Until next time….